Flared front teeth problem
If your teeth stick out or flared look, several treatment options exist. There are many reasons people have flaring or sticking out upper front teeth. With flaring of the front teeth, bucked teeth with gaps between the upper front teeth are common.
When people have a deep bite, the lower front teeth push the upper front teeth from the back, and over time you start to have buckteeth with spaces. If you have gum disease or periodontal disease, tooth support is weak, which could happen even quicker. So long as you have healthy gums, you can fix it with orthodontic braces, conventional two-year braces, or Six-Month Smiles.

Wear your retainers following the removal of your braces
Correcting misalignment may improve the deep bite and correct flared teeth. However, many patients do not wear a retainer after the braces and experience relapse. It could happen quickly and has a high percentage of regression due to the back’s bite pressure.
Suppose you have very crowded teeth and wear braces without tooth extraction. In that case, more space must be available to accommodate all the teeth. Wearing a brace without tooth extraction will cause the teeth to flare. In this case, you have flared-out teeth but no spaces between the teeth. Some patients have had this situation since their adult teeth came in. You can fix this with braces.
In most cases, teeth extractions (usually bicuspids) are necessary for a better result. The ultimate goal is to get the most beneficial overall effect, including a proper bite, healthy gums, and excellent lip support. Indeed, every case must be evaluated as a unique situation. Most of the time, it is clear when to extract teeth and when not. But a fair percentage of cases are in more of a grey area where the choice of treatment could go either way.
There are several options for treating flared teeth.